Wednesday, July 11, 2007


have i lost my faith? i always thought i was a good american. i remember the Reagan years, when everything was black and white, bbq cookoffs, cut off blue jean shorts, bottled coca cola... questioning the government and standing up for what you believe in used to be 'patriotic'.. isn't that the definition of patriotism???
patriotism - love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it

i guess i am not a patriot, after all... my whole life plan now centers on leaving my country, to follow dreams elsewhere that can never be realized here. the same reason so many come to my country has caused me to want to leave. all i want is to be happy. selfish, i know, but i believe that when i am happy, i cause the people around me to be happy, and vice versa, so it works for the common good in a way.. i am not a quitter. i am scrimping and saving and working hard to retire before 40 in paradise. i guess then i will be called an 'ex patriot'. job opportunities are abundant for me in argentina. i really wont even have to work. i can grow my own veggies. i can write, paint.. this is the fantasy that plays over and over in my mind every night before i fall asleep. i just want to be a country girl, and a good wife and mother. i think i was born in the wrong century. blah.. no more rambling, back to work...

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